Many people feel a bit overwhelmed at the start of their singing lessons by the prospect of singing technique. They understand what is being talked about and most of it makes sense to them, but there's a big divide between understanding and actually being able to do it. That's usually the point where frustration and doubt creeps in and the dreaded little voice in the back of our minds will pop up with the question "Will I ever be able to do it?".
My reply to that question is of course a resounding YES! I've guided many pupils at different stages of their development through this difficult stage in their learning. I know from experience that this is a normal part of having singing lessons and if you hang on and keep practising in the correct way I can guarantee you will come out on the other side with a better understanding of your voice. Before you know it you'll be able to describe in a detailed and technical way how it physically feels to sing, which will give you the confidence to tackle any technical issue you might come across.
Have you ever felt this way during singing lessons? Share your experience and open up the conversation so others that are at an earlier stage of their journey with The Singing Practice can benefit from your experience.
Hi Sarah, This post resonates with me.
A big challenge for me is translating the sensations/results I get from exercises into performance of repertoire. I might be able to get good results in a practice geared specifically towards vowel resonance or opening the larynx, etc, but when there are other things to think about -- consonants, performance, nerves, movement, etc -- this often goes out the window.
What I'm striving for is that 'without-thinking' efficiency of breath and working of the anatomy.
Maybe it's a bit like learning to drive. When I first learned to drive, I had to consciously think about checking mirrors, operating the gear stick, operating the pedals. Now I don't have to think about it.
I like the bit where you say 'hang on' and 'keep practising'. A clear route towards getting it really helps me. I sometimes struggle to see myself 'getting there'.
These are just a few thoughts. This topic is often at the forefront of my mind and I could go on about it forever!